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Files can be imported from the top bar with File > Open or by drag'n'drop files above project tabs to start a new project, or under project tabs to add them to the current project.

Here are the supported files which can be imported into PixelOver.

Pixelover project

PixelOver project files use the .pixelover extension.

By default, the file contains all the resource file data used in the project so the file can be moved on your computer without breaking the project. But in any resource settings or in the global settings import tab, you can change the saving mode input from Path and data to Path only.

Pixelover shader

PixelOver shader files use the .poshader extension. They are used to store layer effects presets.


PixelOver supports main image formats for importation (.png, .jpg/jpeg, .bmp, .webp). Importing such files will create an image object. Multiple images can be imported, and the software will ask if these images should be separated or combined into an animated image object.

Import images dialog

In this dialog, the order of images can be modified with the Sort menu or through drag'n'drop.

Sprite sheet

Sprite sheet images can be imported from the top bar with File > Open sprite sheet and automatically split into multiple images.

Spritesheet import dialog

Advanced features are available to handle sprite sheets containing margin and/or padding.

Animated image

For now, only GIF is supported as an animated image format. Importing such files will create an animated image object.

3D model

Files containing a single mesh (.obj and .vox) are supported for importation. Importing such files will create a 3D model object.


Materials are stored in formats that support multiple materials (.mtl). For .obj files, .mtl files with the same file path will be automatically imported, or you can directly import both at the same time.

Once imported, materials are editable in PixelOver. You can follow the material editing tutorial to learn how to edit them.

3D Scene

Formats that can store multiple 3D models (.gltf/glb, .fbx, and .dae) are supported. Importing such files will create a 3D scene object.