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Scene objects

PixelOver utilizes a parent-child object system, meaning an object's transformation (position, rotation, etc.) depends on its parent's transformation.


The Canvas, always the first top item of the scene tree, represents the page where all objects are displayed.


The Canvas has two main properties:

  • Background Transform represents the page size (the rectangle filled with a checkered background).
  • Transform represents the focused area, mainly used to determine the part of the page that will be exported (the blue rectangle when the canvas is selected; otherwise, it will be a white rectangle).

The Canvas only accepts layers as children.


Layers separate objects and can have shader effects represented by this icon Shader Effect Icon. If the shader icon is blue, it means it is selected, and the shader properties appear in the shader panel.

Clipping mask

A Layer can be used as a clipping mask for another layer. Enable clipping mask and choose another layer to use it, or drag and drop the layer directly into another one.

2D Layer

2D Layers only accept 2D objects as children.

3D Layer

A 3D layer has camera properties, projection type, and rotation. Some presets are already set, but settings are available. It also has settings for environment and sunlight.

3D Layers only accept 3D objects as children.


Visual objects have a visibility property.

Most of them can also emit particles (images, animated images, shapes, and 3D models).

2D Objects

A 2D Object has 2D transform properties (position, rotation, scale, skew).


A Shape is a simple rectangle.

Corners can be rounded to create a rounded rectangle or circle.


An Image is an object with an image resource.

Resampling filters are applied when the image is transformed (rotated, skewed or scaled).

Animated Image

An Animated Image is like an image with an animated image resource.


A gradient can be used to fill shapes, images or shader lines color.


A bone has a special transform tool which help for animations.

Bones can also have transformation constraints, such as Inverse Kinematics

3D Objects

A 3D Object has 3D transform properties (position, rotation, scale).

3D Container

A 3D Container is an empty 3D object that encloses its children, making it easier to manipulate.

3D Shape

A 3D Shape can be a cube, sphere, or cylinder.

You can add a material to a 3D shape else only the color can be modified.

3D Model

A 3D Model is created using a mesh resource.

3D Scene

A Scene with one or multiple 3D models. The models can be rigged and have animations. This is like a pack handled as one object, making it easy to synchronize when modified externally.

You can also edit 3D Model Bones Pose and use inverse kinematics on them.

3D Bone

Similar to the 2D bone but for 3D objects. 3D bones have a normal 3D gizmo to manipulate them and also have a camera-aligned rotation when you grab the bone directly.