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Project page

The projects page is composed of a number of rectangular areas called panels. Each panel can have one or multiple tabs offering specific functionalities.

Project page preview

View panel

The view panel consists of a toolbar at the top and a view with different elements.

View panel

Main tools

Main tools

Main tools include options to select objects, move the view, create objects, and more. Each tool has a tooltip providing useful information about its functionality and associated shortcuts.

Sub tools

Sub tools

Sub tools vary depending on the main tool and the object selected.

Zoom and center

At the top left, there's a button to center the main view on the selected object or on the origin if no object is selected.

Adjacent to it, the zoom input allows control over the main view's zoom level. Click on the icon to reset to 100%, or use the dropdown on the right to select a specific zoom value.

View buttons

Located at the top right, the view buttons toggle displays such as axes, grid, etc.

These properties can be managed in the settings tab within the right panel.

Objects visibility and selection

In the center left, visibility for each object type (canvas, bones, 2D objects, 3D objects, or others) can be set, along with their clickability for selection.

This panel can be collapsed or expanded using the arrow at its top left.

3D layer gizmo

Layer gizmo

When a 3D layer or 3D object is selected, a panel appears at the center right to easily adjust the layer camera orientation. Additionally, there's a button at the top left of this panel to switch camera perspective, and a menu at the top right offering different camera angle settings.

View type

At the bottom left, a dropdown button allows selection of the view type:

  • No effects: displays the view without any shader applied.
  • Preview: displays the result after all shaders are applied.
  • Normal Buffer: In 3D, displays the global face orientation of 3D objects.
  • Depth Buffer: In 3D, displays the distance of 3D objects from the camera, ranging from white (nearest) to black (farthest).


At the bottom right, a toggleable comparison button allows you to display two views with different types side by side.

Scene and Z Order tree

Scene panel

The scene tree displays all the object depending their hierarchy. Objects can be multi selected with shift or ctrl and reordered with drag'n'drop.

More information on Scene

Z order panel

The Z Order tree displays elements based on their hierarchy and Z layer. Elements with a higher Z layer are displayed on top. In cases where elements have the same Z layer, the one that appears last in the scene tree will be displayed on top.

Selected object panel

Object properties

Select object panel

Each object has specific properties such as name, position, rotation, etc...

More detailed information on Objects


Material panel

3D objects can have materials attached to them. Materials can be edited directly in PixelOver. You can follow the material editing tutorial to learn how to edit them.


Particles panel

Particles can be enabled on visual 2D objects such as sprites, shapes, or simple 3D objects like meshes and 3D shapes. You can follow the particle systems tutorial to learn how to use them.

Layer shader

Layer shader panel

Layer shader contains effects properties of the current layer. More information on Shader

Project settings

Project settings panel

Project settings shows custom settings for this specific project. (ex: Background color, grid size, ...)

By default, a change from project settings will update global settings project tab.

Settings project page

But you can disable this by unchecking update input.


Animation panel

Key animation panels. Hidden by default, you should click on animation tab to display it. Detailed information on Animation